How Reneverse solves the 3 key issues of Web3 games + Minting Asset guide

How Reneverse solves the 3 key issues of Web3 games + Minting Asset guide


Web3 games, also known as blockchain games or decentralized games, are a new breed of video games that leverage blockchain technology and decentralized systems. These games incorporate the principles of decentralization, ownership, and transparency, offering unique features and experiences to players.

While Web3 technology has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry, there are several challenges and problems that hinder its widespread adoption.

What is Reneverse?

Reneverse is a platform that helps you to build a Blockchain Integrated Unity game without having to know Solidity or Rust. It manages everything from onboarding users to web3 gaming to easing the development and coding required to integrate your game with blockchain.

Just Create a new account at Reneverse and you have a fully functioning wallet that can interact with games integrated with Reneverse.


3 key issues faced by Web3 games

According to me, here are three key issues faced by Web3 games:

  • Game Development Complexity: Developing Web3 games is more complex than traditional game development. Game developers need to learn blockchain technologies, smart contract development, and integration with wallets and dApps. The learning curve and development overhead can deter game studios from adopting Web3 technology.

  • Adoption and Awareness: Many gamers are still unaware of Web3 gaming and its potential benefits. There is a need for more education and awareness campaigns to bridge the gap between the gaming community and Web3 technology. Increased adoption will require efforts to showcase the advantages of decentralized gaming, including true ownership of in-game assets, play-to-earn mechanics, and cross-game interoperability.

  • The complexity of Wallet Setup: Setting up a wallet to connect to Web3 games can be intimidating for non-technical users. The process typically involves creating a wallet, managing private keys, and understanding wallet interfaces. Simplifying the wallet setup process and providing clear step-by-step instructions can help make it more user-friendly.

How Reneverse mitigates these issues

  • Reneverse provides an easy-to-use developer-friendly SDK specially designed for Unity game developers. It provides a set of tools and libraries to integrate blockchain functionality into Unity games. The only requirement is you know how to make games in Unity.

      private async Task GetUserAssetsAsync(API reneApi)
              AssetsResponse.AssetsData userAssets = await reneApi.Game().Assets();
              userAssets?.Items.ForEach(asset =>

    Fetching Assets through Reneverse Unity SDK in 5 lines.

  • Reneverse provides a responsive portal for gamers where users can manage their games and the assets owned by the respective games. There is no requirement to know about the type of NFTs or the contracts used in the backend. Your in-game assets will appear in the Reneverse portal when you mint it and also you can verify the ownership of assets through OpenSea.

  • Wallet connection for Web3 gaming can sometimes pose challenges for players. Many players may be unfamiliar with Web3 technology and the concept of wallets. Reneverse provides a streamlined onboarding experience for users who never touched Web3 games or know nothing about blockchain. Just signup or login with your e-mail and password, and you have a fully functioning web3 wallet that can connect to games integrated with Reneverse in the blink of an eye. No need of clicking those pesky accept buttons for every transaction. Authorizing your game to Reneverse Portal does it all.

    Reneverse Portal

Minting Assets using Reneverse Unity SDK

You need to integrate your game into Reneverse using Reneverse Unity SDK. If you haven't, follow my Guide to integrate and then follow this guide to add minting functionality to your Unity game which is integrated with Reneverse.

Know your asset template ID

Before minting our assets, we need to fetch the asset template ID of the assets we would like to mint. First, mint the required asset to yourself using Reneverse Dashboard(covered in my guide). After the asset is minted, we can fetch the template ID in our GetUserAssetsAsync function.

private async Task GetUserAssetsAsync(API reneApi)
        AssetsResponse.AssetsData userAssets = await reneApi.Game().Assets();
        userAssets?.Items.ForEach(asset =>

The Mint Function

Then, we can construct a mint function that would take the template Id as a parameter and mint the asset which corresponds to the template id.

public async Task Mint(string templateID)
            var response = await ReneverseManager.ReneAPI.Game().AssetMint(templateID);
            Debug.Log("Asset Minting in progress");
        catch (Exception e)

The Final Code

Let's create a new script and name it ReneverseMintManager.cs which takes the Template Id input field and mint button from Unity and mints the asset on clicking the Mint button.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ReneverseMintManager : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject TemplateIDInput;
    public Button MintButton;

    private void Start()

    //Function to be used for minting
    public async void ExecuteMint()
        string TemplateID = TemplateIDInput.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
        await Mint(TemplateID);

    //Mint function
    public async Task Mint(string templateID)
            var response = await ReneverseManager.ReneAPI.Game().AssetMint(templateID);
            Debug.Log("Asset Minting in progress");
        catch (Exception e)

Lastly, make your API ReneAPI static in the ReneverseManager.cs to access the API globally in any script.

public static API ReneAPI;

Check out Both the games developed by me for the Reneverse Borderless Gaming Hackathon and give them a try!!

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